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Submitted by: Anne Hoston

As we lead very high paced lives we are constantly on our feet. The demands made from our careers mean that not only do we need to look well dressed but that we may have to stand, walk or even run quite a lot. All of this activity coupled with the fact that our feet are in shoes, cause sweaty feet.

Now while you might think that sweaty feet are a trait of having to wear shoes, this is not completely the case. As our feet have a number of things to do in a day, they need to stay soft, supple and this is the reason why our feet become sweaty. Nature has given us the ability to produce more sweat on our feet so that they can flex, squash and squeeze our feet to accommodate the things that we need to do in our day to day lives.

Without this ability to produce large amounts of sweat the skin on our feet would become very dry and cracked extremely quickly. Walking would be a form of torture. There are times when the sweat on our feet can be excessive. The excess sweat mingles with the damp environment in our socks and shoes to produce a nasty odor.


People object to sweaty feet because they think it is the sweat that is the reason for the smell. The main reason for your feet smelling is that your feet are damp from wearing socks that don t allow the excess sweat to dry off.

So to get rid of the smell you need to tackle the problem on two fronts. You need to reduce the amount of sweat that your foot produces while you are wearing shoes and stop the sweaty smell. As you do need to have some sweat on your feet you should choose shoes that fit you properly. Tight shoes cause you feet to clamp together and the pressure makes your feet sweat more in order that your feet can stay cool to try and breathe

Also standing on your feet for long periods of time will encourage your body to produce more sweat so that your feet can withstand the pressure that is being placed on them. This standing around will cause sweaty feet. While in many cases you simply can t sit down for long periods, there are always the times when you can sit and let the pressure be relieved from your feet.

To avoid sweaty feet the best thing that you can do is to keep your whole body temperature cool. Even more importantly the skin of your feet need a chance to dry and breathe. You can accomplish the breathing part by going barefoot as often as you can. Also wearing open toed sandals, leather shoes and socks made of cotton or wool will help to get rid of sweaty feet. All of these measures can help to get rid of sweaty feet without hurting our feet.

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