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A compilation of brief news reports for Saturday, April 14, 2007.

Russian opposition leader and former World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov was among 170 people detained by Russian authorities during a security operation against a rally organised by The Other Russia. The Other Russia is an umbrella coalition that gathers opponents of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Today the regime showed its true colours, its true face,” said Kasparov. “We were arrested when we were doing nothing. There was no action. We were just walking along,” he told reporters.


  • “Kasparov arrested at Moscow rally” — BBC News, 14 April 2007
  • Christian Lowe. “Kasparov defiant after arrest in Moscow march” — Reuters, 14 April 2007

A key deadline with respect to North Korea’s nuclear programme has passed. North Korea said it remained committed to closing the reactor at Yongbyon.

North Korea has insited that some US$25 million be unfrozen at a Macau bank. The United States says the funds have been released, but that North Korea has yet to withdraw any of it.

US Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill was quoted as saying, “It’s certainly worrisome to all of us to see them approaching this date rather lethargically.” Hill continued, “The Chinese wanted us to show some patience for a couple of more days. There’s a sense that the communication lines are open and the North Koreans understand the fact that these accounts are accessible to them.”


  • “N Korea reaches nuclear deadline” — BBC News, April 14, 2007
  • Lindsay Beck and Ben Blanchard. “China urges patience on North Korea deadline D-day” — Reuters, April 14, 2007

United Kingdom mental health charity, Young Minds, has called on the UK government for mental healthcare reforms to give vulnerable children more protection. The charity also claims that at least a third of young people under psychiatric care are detained against their will.

The charity’s comments come in response to the proposed Mental Health Bill which Parliament is set to debat next week.


  • “Mental care ‘must protect young'” — BBC News, Saturday, 14 April 2007

A bus and a truck collided and burst into flames in Chihuahua, Mexico. The accident occurred near Ciudad Juárez, across the border from El Paso, Texas. Police sources tell Reuters that at least 21 were killed and most of the victims were passengers on the bus. El Universal puts the toll at 23.


  • “At least 21 killed in Mexican bus crash” — Reuters, April 14, 2007
  • “Suman 23 muertos por choque en Chihuahua” — El Universal (Mexico City), April 14, 2007

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