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Hot weather doesn’t just mean your body suffers, it also means your mouth is in trouble. These sweltering afternoons that leave your lips sticky and your tongue dry can lead to lethal breath. Having bad breath is such an embarrassing situation to be in. You open your mouth to say something and people cup their hands over their noses – very discretely – but what you have to say has been overshadowed by the smell of your breath. It’s time to stand and make a difference in your hygiene, learn how to fix bad breath and move on from there.

1. Use a plastic spoon to scrape off white residue on your tongue– this is often the culprit. Or buy a tongue scraper at a drugstore.

2. The first and easiest step in learning how to fix bad breath is by practicing proper oral hygiene. Most dentists advise you to brush your teeth at least three times a day, and to floss at least twice a day. By following these simple steps, you have possibly solved almost half of the dilemma of attempting to figure out how to fix bad breath.

3. Can you steal a sprinkle of salt from the table? Mix up a warm saltwater solution and swish in your mouth for about 30 seconds. Even better, gargle the water at the back of your throat and kill the stink longer.


4. You need to help by removing the plaque build-up that is attacking your gums. And that means proper brushing, with an up and down movement, not a side to side movement.

5. Brush after eating foods such as milk, cheese and fish. The breakdown of protein in the mouth contributes to bad breath.

6. Eating plain yogurt twice a day can actually help permanently lower the amount of hydrogen sulfide in your mouth, studies have shown. Fruits like berries and melons are also great. Just stay away from lemons and others high in acid. This is one of the best bad breath cure.

7. If you finish eating and you have a toothbrush, eat an apple or a piece of fruit. The natural properties of these foods eliminate the tartar and prevent bad breath for hours.

8. drink plenty of water throughout the day. Good hydration, bet you keep your mouth fresh and cleaner.

9. add to your toothpaste a bit of baking soda because it will help you eliminate oral odors. Do not forget to visit your dentist regularly to control caries or infections, they can cause halitosis.

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About Author:

Author is an online medical researcher on bad breath cure. Click read more on bad breath cure, how to fix bad breath.Author: Charles Zoe