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By Louise Forrest

There are many people that are suffering from skin that is shiny, greasy and very oily. A lot of products are advertised on television and you can often be guaranteed that such products have the endorsement of a famous celebrity.

But when it comes to oily skin care products and the ingredients that they use, they are no more than fillers of cheap ingredients that can even cause the skin to breakout into even more oils, and even the best skin care experts in the world would not advise anyone to use such products.

When it comes to treating oily skin there are a number of recommendations and practices that can be used. Some are quite harsh such as skin peels and the use of laser treatments and there are even some medicated face products that you doctor can prescribe to you.

One thing that you always need to bear in mind when it comes to buying endorsed products is that the celebrity is paid a lot of money and if you look very closely, none of the companies actually guarantee that their product will actually help to heal your oily skin condition.


There are solutions to your dilemma and it is possible to actually help your body from producing too much of the natural oil that is called sebum. Do not think that by not treating the condition you will be ok, as excess oily skin is known for bringing on an onslaught of acne, spots, blackheads and other skin blemishes.

It is possible to fix the problem of oily skin, and in fact in the majority of cases, it does go and often on its own. But if you do have oily skin you should be thankful to some extent in that it does help to prevent the signs of ageing, and it helps the skin to maintain its elasticity and youthfulness.

But what can you actually do in order to maintain your appearance without a huge oil slick on your face? Well first of all make sure that you are washing your face just twice a day, as excess washing does no more than aggravate the condition.

Your aim is to control the amount of oil that is being released and so you need to make sure that you are doing more than just washing. You also need to be moisturising your skin with a good oil free product and you should also tone, as this will help to keep the pores of the skin tight.

Try to avoid wearing make up, but if you do you need to make sure that you remove it before you go to sleep and you should also use products that are water based so as to prevent any clogging of the pores.

And make sure that you keep a watchful eye on the foods that you eat, such as avoiding foods that are heavily deep fried.

Instead have a diet that is full of vitamins and minerals as well as drinking lots of water.

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dealing with oily skin

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