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Wednesday, June 1, 2005

Mount Diablo buckwheat
Taxonomic name: Eriogonum truncatum

Mount Diablo buckwheat is a small pink flower that was only known to grow on Mount Diablo in remote Contra Costa County, California.

The University of California, Berkeley announced that one of its graduate students, Michael Park, rediscovered on May 24 the Mount Diablo buckwheat, a plant not sighted since 1936 and believed to have been extinct.Found nearly 30 miles east of San Francisco, Park [aged 35] identified the small pink flowering plant said to resemble baby’s breath during a routine visit to the mountain. He is currently pursuing his doctorate in integrative biology.

The significance of the find drew comparisons to the recent discovery of the Ivory-billed woodpecker in Arkansas earlier this year in April. The exact location of the flowering plant is, for now, being kept secret. Several botanists have confirmed it along with the nearly dozen or so other plants.

The property is being preserved by the Save Mount Diablo conservation group operating in the Mount Diablo State Park.

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