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Penis Facts – Seven Surprising Health Benefits of Sex


John Dugan

There is no question that sex feels good why else would so many people spend so much time trying to get it? The best part is that by engaging in sex, guys are actually doing themselves (and their partners) a favor. Maintaining a healthy penis is the first step in taking advantage of the considerable physiological and psychological health benefits of sex. Some of these benefits which are backed by research, are described below, along with important penis facts about maintaining a healthy member.

1.Immune function – Scientists at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., found that men who had frequent sex had higher levels of certain antibodies particularly immunoglobin A which helps the body to fight off contagious diseases such as the flu and the common cold, as well as various types of infections.

2.Cardiovascular health Sex benefits cardiovascular health in a number of ways. For instance, men who have regular sex tend to have lower blood pressure. In addition, a study reported in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health showed that men who have sex at least twice a week reduce their risk of a fatal heart attack by more than one half.


3.Stress relief It is no secret that having sex has a positive effect on stress levels, helping people to feel more relaxed. In fact, the journal Biological Psychology published a study which demonstrated that men who have regular sex have lower blood pressure, are able to function better cognitively in stressful situations, and have an overall more positive response to stress.

4.Physical fitness If guys need an excuse to have sex more often, the physical fitness aspect works perfectly. Having sex burns calories and helps guys to maintain a healthy body weight and a more toned physique. While a session in bed will not equate to an hour at the gym, approximately 21 hour-long sessions could burn enough calories to amount to a pound of weight loss.

5.Boosts self-esteem Researchers at the University of Texas reported that increased self-esteem was one of 237 reasons that people have sex, according to a report published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior. Aside from this, sex also increases intimacy between partners and triggers the release of the love hormone oxytocin, which helps people to feel relaxed and connected after lovemaking.

6.Relieves pain Another surprising benefit of sex is that it actually helps to relieve pain. As levels of oxytocin increase, the brain also releases endorphins, which alleviate the effects of problems like back pain, arthritis, and (for women) even menstrual cramps. So the next time she uses a headache as an excuse, guys can point out that having sex will actually help her to feel better.

7.Improves sleep Another effect of the release of oxytocin after an orgasm is the ability to fall asleep faster and sleep better. And getting more sleep has a positive influence on all of the other health benefits described here, from body weight to cardiovascular health to the ability to cope with stress.

Keeping the penis healthy and ready for action

If all of the above benefits of sex aren t enough, men should know that the old saying holds true: if you don t use it, you lose it. Not having sex can reduce the ability to respond to stimulation, resulting in reduced function. In order to get the most from the therapeutic and penis health benefits of sex, it is important to keep the member ready for any opportunity. Promoting smooth, supple and responsive skin with rejuvenating vitamins and minerals found in a specialized penis vitamin formula (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) and maintaining adequate moisture in order to prevent injury due to the chafing and irritation of an enthusiastic bedroom session can help guys to be ready whenever the occasion demands.

For additional information on most common

penis health issues

, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit:

. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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Penis Facts – Seven Surprising Health Benefits of Sex