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By A.Noton

A facelift is the surgical removal of unwanted fat, skin and other tissue from the face. It’s one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the United states, with about 112,955 procedures performed in 2010. The surgery is used to treat sagging skin, troughs or deep creases, including marionette lines from the nose to the corners of the mouth, jowls, loose skin and fat that has somehow distorted the face.

A person who wants a facelift should interview at least three cosmetic surgeons before they decide on one to perform the surgery. The surgeon should be certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and should ideally have at least five years of experience in cosmetic surgery. They should also have hospital privileges with at least one accredited or certified hospital. The doctor should also be able to honestly answer the patient’s questions about the surgery and what a facelift might be able to do for them.

Before the operation, the patient will be examined to make sure they’re a good candidate for the surgery. Their physician will also tell them to stop taking any drugs which might have an anti-clotting effects. Depending on the extent of the surgery, the patient might be able to go home the same day or spend a few days in the hospital. In any case, they should have someone bring them home and stay with them for at least a couple of nights after their surgery.


The patient may be given a local anesthesia or general anesthesia via inhalation and injection. During the operation the surgeon makes incisions where scarring will be less likely to be seen, usually round the hairline. The surgeon is careful to tie off even tiny blood vessels during the operation so scarring will be minimal. Then, flaps of skin are cut away from around the eyes and face and the excess is trimmed away. The doctor might also operate under the chin to help with the look of the patient’s neck.

During the operation the surgeon might also add facial implants, transplant fat from other sites in the patient’s body and perhaps resurface the facial skin to improve its tone.

The flaps of skin are then closed with fine sutures which can usually be removed after a week. Bandages, ice packs and drainage tubes are applied to reduce bleeding and swelling.

The patient should have a complete recovery and an improvement in their looks. Many experts believe that the sign of a very well done facelift is that the patient doesn’t look like they’ve had surgery but that they’ve just come home from a splendid and restful vacation. Recovery might take about a month and a half.

The patient should rest, but try to get back to work and normal activity as soon as they feel up to it. They should avoid strenuous exercise for about six weeks and can drive, if they have to, about three days after they come home form the hospital. The doctor might prescribe pain medications, antibiotics and stool softeners to help with recovery.

About the Author: If you’re interested in getting

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, speak to your local cosmetic clinic about your different types of procedure.


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