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Politics in Pakistan and Country’s Current Situation



SimonePakistan got its independence on 1947, with struggles of its founder Muhammad Ali Jinnah, a man who is regarded as Father of Nation. It was very unfortunate for Pakistan as Muhammad Ali Jinnah died on 1948 after a year Pakistan got its independence. The country was in turmoil and Jinnah’s death worsened it. After Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s death Pakistan, unfortunately did not get any able or competent leader. A leader who was faithful and loyal to the people of Pakistan and country’s situation worsened later on with marshal laws and civil disobedience right after country’s first Prime Minister Liaqat Ali Khan was assassinated.

Later on in the 70’s Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto came into power and nationalized the industries and institutions thus bringing more troubles to newly founded state. Although Bhutto was a very popular leader but his decisions on some aspects him in conflict with the military of Pakistan. On 1978, Bhutto’s government was overthrown by Chief of Army Staff of Pakistan Zia-ul-Haq. Bhutto was executed after the marshal law was implemented in the country but his death made him a hero. His party Pakistan People Party portrayed him as a martyr thus becoming a hero. After Bhutto’s execution his family started to take interest in politics.

The marshal law administrator Zia-ul-Haq was killed in a plane crash in late 1989. Zia’s rule was authoritative and conservative. He brought extremely radical views in Pakistani society and was responsible for promoting a fundamentalist ideology. His actions did huge harm to Pakistani society where he created radical religious groups in Pakistan who promoted religious terrorism. After Zia’s death Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s eldest daughter Benazir Bhutto became Prime minister of Pakistan. Though much was expected from Benazir Bhutto her rule met with significant allegations of serious corruption. Her government was derailed by then President Ghulam Ishaq Khan. Her opponent Nawaz Sharif who is currently the prime minister of Pakistan got into power in 1993. Nawaz Sharif was a brain child of Zia-ul-Haq and represented the right conservative wing. Nawaz Sharif also proved to be incompetent ruler and his government was ended with a marshal law imposed by then Chief of Army Staff of Pakistan General Pervez Musharraf.

At that time the ruling families such as Bhuttos and Sharifs had already caused massive economic and political uncertainty in Pakistan. General Pervez Musharraf came into power on 1999. His rule has been regarded highly progressive for Pakistan as he brought many reforms to set Pakistan on a positive direction. His rule was affected by constant disturbance caused by Sharif and Bhutto family who were eager to get into power. Pervez Musharraf stepped down from power in 2008 following huge pressure from political parties. After Musharraf’s step down, elections were conducted in which Pakistan People Party. PPP did massive corruption destroying the country economically and afterwards in 2013 election Nawaz Sharif came into power. Currently Nawaz Sharif’s government has done many positive development in terms of economy. But the country still faces huge problems such as load-shedding, hyper inflation, terrorism and number of social problems. Pakistan has been ruled by handful of families since it got its independence.

Writer is a software tester and blogger. Website:

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