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Peculiarities of Mexican Cuisine


Michael Querrie

What makes Mexican cooking so delicious? – that is, authentic Mexican cooking, like the


you may remember eating in Oaxaca. The answer is love. It is the one essential ingredient to truly delicious food anywhere, and traditional Mexican cuisine abounds with it. For example, instead of throwing garlic, onion, and tomato in a blender before cooking them, try roasting them whole in a dry skillet before they go into the blender. See for yourself what a difference that little step makes in the taste. Try it to marimba music from Chiapas or Jarocho harp from Veracruz.


Caring steps and exquisite seasonings are the loving details that put Mexican cooking in a class by itself. But what about the basic ingredients? Mexico has a richly diverse climate, with mineral-rich soils and heavy, seasonal rains. The soil bears robust harvests of a seemingly endless variety of delicious fruits and vegetables, which go fresh into the recipes. Traditionally, all crops were grown organically, but since the introduction of agribusiness and industrialized farming, there is now much chemically grown produce in the marketplace. Tomatoes and grapes in particular should always be carefully washed to remove as many residues as possible. I recommend seeking out organically-grown produce, whenever possible.

Mexican food is also some of the most nutritious in the world. It is based on protein-rich bean-and-corn combination, with the addition of fresh vegetables and fruits. Oil is widely used, but it is not an indigenous ingredient, as it was introduced by the Spanish. Traditional Indian cooking uses little or no oil.

One thing more: there is not


Mexico, but many. Each geographical region, with its unique climate and history, has developed its own cuisine. It would take more than one lifetime to experience all the recipes from all the regions. It would take more than one volume to enumerate the pleasures of each one.

Where To Find Ingredients For Mexican Dishes?

Most of the ingredients for Mexican dishes can be found in supermarkets and farmers markets. Look in the specialty section for dried chiles, and ask your merchants for the various types you need. Dried chiles keep well in cool, dry storage, so stock up to have them on hand. Mexican restaurants are good places to inquire where some of the more unusual ingredients are to be found. There are, however, some things which are only available in Mexico, and even there, only in certain areas.

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