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An Ice Cart May Be The Easiest Way To Provide Italian Ice To The Masses


Claire Winters

Likely at any country fair or possibly in the park you have stumbled upon a food cart. They are practically an American symbol. Anyone will be able to enjoy a frozen treat to cool off from a very warm day whether it be in the park, the beach or other location imaginable.

Selling food using a cart on the side of the street has been done for as long as humans have mingled in the streets. However, the ice cart required the invention of two things before it could make its appearance on the snack food scene. First the development of Italian ice, and second the invention of refrigeration. Italian Ice is actually a dairy-free frozen treat that’s made like ice cream, mixing the ingredients while freezing them. Refrigeration is important to maintain the Italian ice cold until it can be served to the hungry consumer. Put a refrigerated container full of Italian ice on wheels and you will have the means to put a smile on every face you encounter. If the many factors come together, a refrigerated cart loaded with appealing dessert, then your on your way.

Remember, there are many ways in which someone can dispense a cool delicious treat to any potential customer. The frozen section in a food market is likely to be stocked full of your favorite treat. You can actually open an Italian ice shop on a quaint street that sees plenty of foot traffic. Maybe a booth or cart at the local sporting venue or even the zoo where individuals are out enjoying the hot day would more inclined want your products to cool off. But every one of these require that the hungry person locate you. The cart however would be the smartest choice for bringing the Italian Ice to people who would be enticed to partake in this delicious treat.


There are lots of conveniences to working with a cart to sell Italian ice. Most evident will be how the cart is moveable therefore your able to go to a particular events or locations at the proper time. You will always find downfall’s when owning a shop in which not only can’t you be mobile, your customers would have to come to you and any construction or traffic that would imped your sales will be detrimental to any business. This is simply not a problem with a cart; when the people move you and the cart can follow.

Having the ability to go to special venues and events would also further be useful when your in a position to travel to different locations.. Any city or town are going to have special fairs or festivals occasionally so being able to attend in order to make money is to your benefit. You’ll find once you arrive and set up your cart, these Italian Ice carts will attract plenty of attention from hungry customers. A cart can be simply transported to whatever attraction occurs.

Bear in mind also, using a cart you’re able to set your own business hours making it perhaps more convenient. If you own a shop you normally would have set business hours therefore it would not be as flexible. Regular business hours is expected when considering any type of store. As carts tend to be more mobile, the hours will be up to you. This provides more freedom for cart owners. If you don’t wish to open everyday it would not be necessary, as an example should it be bad weather when you wouldn’t make any money, it will be far wiser to skip the day altogether.

The best advantage overall is that by having a cart, you have very little overhead in the form of expenses. It is in fact extremely expensive to own and operate a business. You will discover costs such as wages, rent, inventory, insurances, etc. By having your very own Italian Ice cart, your able to keep costs at a minimum and customarily only be required to pay for your inventory. You may also have to pay wages to the cart operator if you don’t do it yourself.

When thinking about starting a new business venture, selling Italian Ice from your own cart can offer independence as well as great opportunity for you to make a good income too. Should you do well in your venture, perhaps buying more than one cart would be a possibility to seriously consider in order to reach more people and increase your profits.

For more information about what Italian Ice is truly made from, visit Little Jimmy’s Italian

ice carts

. For further particulars on

Little Jimmys Italian Ice

, view them at their site,

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An Ice Cart May Be The Easiest Way To Provide Italian Ice To The Masses