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Beauty tips for Winter


Juliet CohenWinter is a part of the weather. Winter weather along with indoor heating strips the skin of its natural oils and moisturizing factor-even the oiliest of skin types. Winter is around and this season is generally not a favourite of many; mainly because it is harsh on the skin. Many of the dry skin conditions that victimize us in the winter can be alleviated. Cleanse the face and body with warm water instead of hot water. Hot water and steam tends to have a drying effect when used too frequently and/or for lengthy periods of time. There are many ways to exfoliate our skin, but too many to mention here. Natural and synthetic (polyethylene beads) scrubs, face and body sponges/loofahs/brushes, and alpha hydroxy acid products with a concentration of 10% or less are all considered safe for at-home use on a regular basis.

Take anti-oxidants to protect your skin. Buy them at a reputable health food store. Eat an Avocado once a week for the essential fatty acids it contains.

Take flax seed oil pills or add it to food or drink and/or top your cereal or salad with fresh ground golden flax seeds. Flax seeds also have essential fatty acids. Eat wild salmon once a week for the Omega 3 and Omega 6 Fatty acids. This is the time to Layer your Sensitive Skin Essential Oil with Seawater and Marine Lotion, followed immediately with the Special Reserve cream. It takes time to be absorbed into your skin, so be patient; The results are truly beautiful. Use the Hydrating Gel Mask at least 3 times per week to protect your skin from the elements.

Keep your eye and winkle cream in your pocket book and apply it during the day around your eyes and lips. Drink a lot of water and keep a healthy diet. Eating healthy can be even tougher during the blah months of winter. Use an extra layer of blankets instead. Use a humidifier for the duration of the winter, but make sure you clean it very often because it could harbor bacteria. .Eat wild salmon once a week for the Omega 3 and Omega 6 Fatty acids. During winters, Smokey eyes are looked very beautiful and best than other eye makeup. During winter season use black mascaras after using eyeliner. A little sheen can be used on eyes for getting some change. These shades are used on lips for looking voluptuous. People should use matt-based foundation during winters.

Winter Beauty Tips

1. A little sheen can be used on eyes for getting some change. These shades are used on lips for looking voluptuous.


2. People should use matt-based foundation during winters.

3. Always use moisturizer or foundation with sun protection factor before going outside during the day in winter.

4. During winters, Smokey eyes are looked very beautiful and best than other eye makeup.

5. During winter season use black mascaras after using eyeliner. One can use shades of Aubergine for mascaras.

6. One can also use waterproof mascaras in dark brown shade.

7. In winters, always use tinted lip balms in blackberry, red currant tones and blackberry.

8. For winter makeup, women should use tinted powder with little shimmer.

9. Use small quantity of skin-priming moisturizers on the face and neck.

10. Use of night cream will be heavy during winter season.

11. Drink a lot of water and keep a healthy diet. Eating healthy can be even tougher during the blah months of winter.

12. Try not to sleep with the heat on high because of the drying effect that it has on your sinuses and your skin.

13. Eat wild salmon once a week for the Omega 3 and Omega 6 Fatty acids.

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