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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Governor Bobby Jindal, a Republican politician from the U.S. state of Louisiana, appeared on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday and said he supports teaching intelligent design (ID) in public school as “the very best science.” Jindal, who was elected governor in 2007, is a Hindu convert to Catholicism who takes the Bible literally.

In his exchange on the Sunday morning talk show, “Some want only to teach intelligent design, some only want to teach evolution. I think both views are wrong, as a parent.”

In a September 2007 debate he supported the view of creationism saying, “Personally, it certainly makes sense to me that when you look at creation, you would believe in a creator.”

Recently, the Louisiana House of Representatives passed legislation, which the National Center for Science Education said “opens the door to creationism in public school science classes.” The bill is currently on his desk.

Jindal is currently considered a possible Vice President candidate for John McCain’s U.S. Presidential campaign.

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