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Maintaining Your Post-Lipo Figure



Too much fatty tissue in the body is a common problem for a lot of people. Those who don t want to try the natural procedures of eliminating these deposits can choose cosmetic surgery alternatives. Liposuction is the most sought-after body sculpting technique that can get rid of excess fat cells and provide a better body contour to patients.

However effective liposuction might be, nature is still more powerful than this treatment. It is not unheard of for liposuction patients to have repeat sessions because the results of the initial treatment have faded. Like in all cosmetic surgery procedures, there is a need to maintain the effects of liposuction.

The Liposuction Myth

That liposuction is a permanent weight-loss technique is a notion shared by many. However, this is a misconception. While liposuction drains away excess fat from the body, it does not inhibit the remaining fat cells. These cells will continue to function, making weight gain possible even after a liposuction procedure. Although the area treated would not amass fatty tissues again, other areas of the body can still grow heavier.


The Doctor s Orders

Here are a few things that you should do to maintain your post-lipo figure:


In order to keep the remaining fat cells in check, you must eat a healthy and balanced diet. You don t have to give up all your culinary pleasures, but you do have to moderate your intake. However, if there is a fatty food item that you can give up, then all the better. Eating right after a

Scottsdale liposuction

procedure and similar treatments from elsewhere will go a long way toward maintaining the surgery s results.


Another crucial routine that you have to incorporate into your daily life is exercise. Activity helps the body burn fat, so you would be able to keep in shape after the operation. Any

Scottsdale plastic surgeon

or another cosmetic professional would advise their patients of the importance of exercise after liposuction.

Other Lifestyle Changes

Old habits are hard to break, but you have to try to do without those that will make you gain weight. Diet and exercise are only some of the changes you can introduce to your lifestyle. If you are really serious about maintaining your post-surgery figure, a

Scottsdale lipo

expert or any other authority on the subject would tell you to be prepared to make some sacrifices.

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