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By Steve Hill

This article is aimed at helping people to lose weight and to then keep at their new happier size. I am going to give tips about what type of meals people should be eating and about other simple ways to help stay trim and fit.

Many people find that after successfully dieting for a number of months and putting themselves through a lot of hardship to gain their target weight, that after only a few weeks they return back to the weight they started at. Some even find that they have added additional weight. This can make people feel quite depressed and even with a sense of guilt at their apparant failure.

I know from my own personal experiences just how hard it can be to lose weight and to stop eating some of our favourite foods such as crisps and chocolate. I am happy to report that I have now managed to achieve my ideal weight and just as importantly have kept at this weight for more than twelve months.

A number of simple ideas can have huge benefits over the longer term. One such idea was to give a dog a home, I love dogs anyway but they can provide a superb and enjoyable form of exercice when you take them on their regular walks. Other simple ideas are to walk the stairs instead of using a lift, walking home from certain places instead of catching the bus or driving our car and playing a sport such as football or tennis once a week.

I am a person who loves sport and therefore am lucky as it did not take a lot of motivation to encourage me to start playing tennis after eight years away from the sport. I now even run an under sevens football team which is also a good way to keep those excess pounds off.


Types Of Meals To Help Lose Weight


Eating breakfast is very important as it helps to wake up the metabolism. I would advise choosing a high fibre cerial possibly with a piece of fruit.


Where possible it would be best to cut out in between meal snacks from our diet altogether. This is not easy however as I have found when attempting to lose weight myself.

If you have to eat snacks, I would advise either a low fat yoghurt or a piece or two of fruit. I also have become quite partial to carrot sticks.

Main meals

Eating certian types of fish such as mackerel, sardines or salmon is always recommended for people who want to start eating in a more healthy manner.

I would also advise pasta type meals in a tomato based sauce rather than in a cream based sauce.

Having vegetables or salad with your meal instead of chips is also an idea which should not really need to be mentioned due to the fact that most people should be aware of it.

I wish you every success at reaching your ideal weight.

About the Author: Steve Hill helps to promote a number of websites including:


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